Liz Cheney Has become a 'defender of the Constitution.' You can hear it in her conduct of the House Hearings on Jan 6, which she co-chaired with Dem Bernie Thompson of MS. Or you can read her book on the matter. I suppose you can claim what she writes and says in public is just a hoax to hoodwink us, but it cost her her seat in Congress. You are not required to 'cheer' her in any way, or even mention her. But she is part of a small trend of ex-GOPers without a party at the moment, and they all make the same claim about Trump opposing the Constitution. They are still conservatives, but Trump has no use for any of them unless they pledge fealty to him personally. It's a radical change in the GOP, well worth exploring.

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You don’t mention Dick Cheney. Any reason why?

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He hasn't spoken directly, only through Liz. But what I found interesting is that during her fight on the House flow with the MAGA fascists, he was worried enough about her physical safety that he organized a private security team, using some of his own old bodyguards, to see that she got out safely. Seeing the situation firsthand, she was glad for the effort. In my take, Dick Cheney and PNAC, was a chief architect of the war in Iraq, and the whole sham 'weapons of mass destruction' nonsense. History will not be kind to him, regardless of his vote for Kamala.

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So Liz Cheney is an anti-fascist truth teller, a defender of the Constitution, who was saved by Dick Cheney's private security team on 1/6. She's part of the "big tent" along with Noam Chomsky while history will not be kind to Dick regardless of his vote for Kamala. Is that what you're saying Carl? I'm trying hard to follow your thinking here.

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Mike, this is not hard. Together with Bennie Thompson (D-MS), they exposed the whole Trump bloc as a political force that would trash the Constitution. Did you bother to watch any of it? If so, what did you make of it? (We don't have any sincere-ometers, so you can just assess the findings as written). For good measure, she went into the matter more deeply in her book. In my view of the common front, we want to narrow the target vs the Trumpers, and win over progressives, middle forces, and even temporary elements of the conservative right. Liz is a case in point, and I always make the point that she remains a conservative rightist on all other matters. As I recall, we made good use of the divisions at the top in ending the Vietnam war. It wasn't our main focus, but when it appeared, we took advantage of it. So do you have some new theory of the united front? Or some view of Trump that you would tell those who have broken with him to go back into his orbit? I don't get it.

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Anyway, my point here has never really been about the Cheney's. They are what they are and any split in the Trump camp from which they came is a welcome one. As I said in my Substack piece, it's not about the Cheney's becoming Democrats, but about the Democrats becoming Cheney's, especially on support for the war on Gaza.

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From David Corn at Mother Jones:

One lesson of the Iraq war is that a big lie can work. Liz Cheney, who was deputy assistant secretary of state for Near Eastern Affairs during this stretch, supported the war—and has defended it ever since. (She co-wrote a 2015 book with her dad on US foreign policy.) She even insisted that one of the main lies of the Bush-Cheney fraudulent case for war—that there had been a significant connection between al-Qaeda and Iraq—was true. (She also hawkishly defended a sordid chapter of that sordid war: torture, saying it was “libelous” to call waterboarding “torture.”) https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2021/05/how-liz-cheney-and-her-dad-paved-the-way-for-the-big-lie/

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So? I've stated several times that her old politics remain. But what is of interest is that she broke with Trump, nailing him accurately as a threat to the Constitution. And the Trumpist bloc purged her because of it. Is this something you think is irrelevant? If so, make your case.

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I believe I've made it. I wouldn't have if I thought it was "irrelevant." Pay attention, Carl.

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Sorry, I didn't see your post above. The Clinton/Biden Dems have been in tune with the Cheneys on Israel/Palestine/Gaza all the way back. What I'd like to see is for Harris to put some daylight between her views and theirs. All I've noticed is that she uses the phrase 'self-determination for Palestine.' Whether that indicates a progressive opening or not remains to be seen. We should at least push her to take Bernie's positions on the region.

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My guess is Blinken is looking for an anti-Bibi bloc among other Israelis, but one serious enough to take power and put down the Likkud. Bibi has set Israel on a path to implosion, the Road to Perdition.

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